Tender Collisions: Minimizing Distress When Change and Crisis Collide
We’ll “bring” the training to you live, virtually (or live, in-person when it is safe to do so) and our highly engaging trainers will make the learning experience fun, memorable, and highly applicable.
Change doesn’t have to cause a crisis, and crisis doesn’t have to cause change. But when a single external force causes both crisis and change, how do we effectively lead? When a change we’re involved in produces crisis, or when a crisis hits that will require temporary or long-lasting change, how do we lead well?
The 2020 global pandemic surfaced a skill gap for many leaders. While some are capable of change management, and others shine in moments of crisis, the vast majority of leaders feel relatively ill-equipped for how to navigate and lead our teams when crisis and change occupy the same moment.
Change doesn’t have to cause a crisis, and crisis doesn’t have to cause change. But when a single external force causes both crisis and change, how do we effectively lead? When a change we’re involved in produces crisis, or when a crisis hits that will require temporary or long-lasting change, how do we lead well?
In this engaging session, change and leadership expert Sinikka Waugh shares key principles we must adopt as leaders and influencers in order to navigate more effectively through change and through a crisis, independently and combined.
Learning objectives:
By attending the session, participants will...
- explore key principles of leading change well
- encounter essential behaviors for managing crisis
- gain tools to identify when a given change will cause a crisis or when a given crisis will demand change
- discover simple practices to help ensure tender collisions between crisis management and change management.