Let’s Chat with Sinikka Waugh


Give a gift that keeps giving! $40 gets you 2 copies of the book, plus an invitation to our private Facebook Group for this program, weekly sessions with the author, and a downloadable journal for note taking. Choose to ship your books to 1 address ($5) or 2 addresses ($10).

Already have the book? For just $15, you can enroll yourself and one other person in the program.

A year or two ago, while preparing to lead a Sunday School program at her church that would bring together mothers and their daughters (tweens and up), Sinikka discovered that there just weren’t any resources available that would do what she was hoping, so with God’s steady hand guiding her fingers on the keyboard, she sat down and wrote a program.

About 20 women participated in the pilot study that January, including mothers with their teen daughters, mothers with daughters who had grown up and moved away, and even a woman who attended on Sundays and brought the program back to her mother who was in a nursing home.

What a blessing it was to share this Bible-based resource with them and see their relationships grow! Since then, she has updated a few of the components and worked with a brilliant graphic designer to help bring this book to life to help any women who are interested in deepening their relationships with others, improving their communication, and talking more clearly and openly about their faith journey.

Let's Chat is a 30-day devotional to help deepen relationships and foster faith conversations between mothers and daughters, but this could be for grandmothers, granddaughters, aunts, nieces, sisters, cousins, friends, etc.

Give a gift that keeps giving! 
$40 gets you 2 copies of the book, plus an invitation to our private Facebook Group for this program, weekly sessions with the author, and a downloadable journal for note taking.

Choose to ship your books to 1 address ($5) or 2 addresses ($10). Already have the book? For just $5, you can enroll yourself and one other person in the program.