Harnessing the Power of Your Team

We’ll “bring” the training to you live, virtually (or live, in-person when it is safe to do so) and our highly engaging trainers will make the learning experience fun, memorable, and highly applicable.

We’re not always in control of who is “on” the team, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help lead and influence the team to a healthy dynamic. We can be helpful team members and influence those around us to adopt the characteristics of a high-performing, psychologically safe, effective team, from any seat. This session explores how to ensure your team has the five characteristics of a healthy and high-performing team: a common goal, a healthy level of self-awareness, a reality-based set of mutual expectations, an effective standard of communication, and at least a dose of unconditional positive regard.

Putting a group of people together in a room doesn’t make them a team: unless we’re intentional about it, they’re still just a group of individuals. Building team dynamics demands some attention to the forming and storming and norming of teams before we get to performing – but we don’t always have the luxury of time to go through these stages.   And sometimes, we’re accountable for leading the team, while other times, we can influence from our non-leadership seats. Each of us has the ability to be a helpful team member and help influence those around us to adopt the characteristics of a high-performing, psychologically safe, effective team, regardless of which seat in the team we occupy. Sinikka Waugh will share five characteristics of a healthy and high-performing team and explore specific ways we can influence our teams to good health. Practical and tactical as ever, with real-life examples and tools you can use, this session will offer insights to help you ensure your team has the five characteristics of a healthy and high-performing team:

  1. A common goal
  2. A healthy level of self-awareness
  3. A reality-based set of mutual expectations and norms
  4. An effective standard of communication
  5. At least a dose of unconditional positive regard

Looking at each of these individually, as well as in the context of a reusable tool, Sinikka will walk through an approach to team health, from any seat, and even address some of the most common “yeah, but…” responses. Regardless of how much or how little time you have with your team, and how much or how little authority you have over the team itself, this approach will help you positively influence your team to greatness, setting the stage both for holding each other accountable for effective behaviors and for offering grace and forgiveness when we misstep.

Harnessing the Power of Your Team – Objectives: 

By attending this course, participants will:

  • Gain exposure to five elements of a healthy, safe, productive team
  • Gain a simple reusable tool and process to help you develop and communicate group norms for your team
  • Practice useful conversations to help you develop your team to greatness


This can also be taught to a BA specific audience. As BA’s, we’re not always in control of who is “on” the team, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help lead and influence the team to a healthy dynamic. We can be helpful team members and influence those around us to adopt the characteristics of a high-performing, psychologically safe, effective team, from any seat. This session explores how to ensure your team has the five characteristics of a healthy and high-performing team: a common goal, a healthy level of self-awareness, a reality-based set of mutual expectations, an effective standard of communication, and at least a dose of unconditional positive regard.