Grow Your Emotional Intelligence


April 22, 2025

August 20, 2025

8:30am-12:30pm Central Time


By now you’ve probably learned that people are one of the most complex, unstable variables in everything you do. Take your emotional intelligence to the next level in this half day session and explore how to be a stabilizing force in any situation by leveraging your EI to put the good of the organization first while making authentic human connection.

By now you’ve probably learned that people are one of the most complex, unstable variables in everything you do. Because of that instability, in many ways, emotional intelligence is more important than any other skill or knowledge area in a professional’s toolkit – you can know everything there is to know about a topic or an industry, but if you can’t read the people or situations around you, you won’t get very far. Learn to be a stabilizing force in any situation by leveraging your EI for the best of the business.

No matter what you call it, this course is about the essentials of emotional intelligence: What is it really? How can you apply it? How can you avoid the common pitfalls around it? What specific, concrete tools and techniques can you use to do it better? Using a balance of instructor-led presentation and engaging, hands-on skill practice that simulates real-life situations in a totally non-threatening way, this session will launch you on your way to being more effective by helping you increase your emotional intelligence and leverage it even more effectively.

By attending this course, participants will:

  • Gain a simple model for understanding the four stages of emotional intelligence
  • Practice examples of how to apply emotional intelligence in relevant and commonly-experienced situations
  • Learn “the easy way” to avoid the most common and most painful mistakes around emotional intelligence
  • Walk away with tools, techniques, and a checklist to help you improve your skills

Additional information


April 22nd, August 20th