Advanced Facilitation
We’ll “bring” the training to you live, virtually (or live, in-person when it is safe to do so) and our highly engaging trainers will make the learning experience fun, memorable, and highly applicable.
When meetings go sideways, we all lose. Gain skills for getting even the toughest folks in the toughest room back on track for a productive meeting.
Some meetings - and some meeting participants - are really tough! Gain and practice proven techniques to protect the productivity of the meeting and keep things moving forward well, even in the face of resistance, hostility, apathy, attempted domination, and other unprofessional behaviors. In this full-day workshop, we'll weave stories of disruptive behavior into techniques of how to manage them with grace. Keeping in mind the essentials of any effective meeting and supplementing those critical foundations with advanced techniques to use when the meeting is at a standstill.
By attending this course, participants will...
- Practice anticipating and preparing for the challenges that will most likely occur in yourmeeting environment
- Gain proven techniques as a facilitator to keep your cool under fire
- Practice regaining control in a safe environment, so you can be ready when the nextmeeting turns unpleasant
- Gain tools you can use to help others manage better meetings where